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  • throw
  • 2024-04-16 14:21:24
  • 3051

1. 抛掷或投掷
throw a ball
throw a punch
throw a tantrum
2. 使进入某种状态或情况
throw someone into confusion
throw someone into jail
throw a party
3. 发出或表达
throw a question
throw a compliment
throw a fit
4. 引起或造成
throw a shadow
throw a curveball (比喻:出人意料)
throw a monkey wrench into the works (比喻:阻碍进展)
1. 动词短语
throw away 丢弃
throw back 呕吐
throw down 挑战
throw in 放弃
throw off 脱掉
throw on 穿上
throw out 扔出
throw over 背叛
throw up 呕吐
2. 名词搭配
throw of the dice 掷骰子
throw of the switch 扳动开关
throw of the ball 投球
throw of the punch 出拳
throw of the party 举办派对
3. 惯用语
throw a spanner in the works 制造麻烦
throw caution to the wind 不顾一切
throw one's weight around 仗势欺人
throw in the towel 投降
throw a bone to someone 给予某人好处